Detroit Softball at Old Tiger Stadium

The TernPro Video of the Week features a summertime softball game at old Tiger Stadium in celebration of Detroit Champions Week!

We played ball where men became legends - the corner of Michigan and Trumbull. With the help of the Navin’s Field Ground Crew and Detroit Champions Week, we played a friendly game of softball on the field like it was 1936. Everyone had a chance to hit and field where Detroiters grew up loving America’s pastime.  Check out the video of the game!

The TernPro Video of the Week highlights the experiences captured by the TernPro community. All videos feature the TernPro Team or businesses showing their stories through creative uses of the TernPro Video Packages. Email us at for a free video consultation to see how you can show your business's story with TernPro!

Brian Bosche
Brian Bosche


Brian Bosché is CEO and Co-founder of TernPro. He is a 2012 Venture for America Fellow and has worked with early stage businesses in Detroit as a part of the Leadership Team at Bizdom.

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